Course Content
The Rise Up coursework is made up of twelve units which are divided into three main modules. Each module builds progressively on the other. The opening module, Rise Up and Know, goes in depth with your personal relationship with God. The next module, Rise Up and Engage, delves into your relationships with other people. And finally is Rise Up and Build, in which you will explore various aspects of building for the kingdom of God. Our hope and prayer is that Rise Up will challenge you to encounter God for yourself and see how His personal relationship with you affects every area of your life.Rise Up And Know
You are not here to do something; you are here to know Someone. In John 17:3 Jesus said, “This is life eternal, that they may know You the one true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” The greatest quest of the human life is to know God. Sadly we have confused knowing God personally with simply knowing about Him. God is not a concept to be studied; He is a Being Who desires to know you and be known by you. But how do we come to know God? What does it mean to truly love Him? We’ve heard that Christ lives in us, but what does that really mean? Faith – it’s a great word, but what does it look like in your life?
Rise Up and Engage
God wants to use each of us to further His great cause! But first, we must realize it’s not just the cause “out there,” it’s the cause right where He has placed us. Something happens to a person when they realize that they have been strategically placed for a special purpose. Not only have you been “fearfully and wonderfully made,” you have also been fearfully and wonderfully placed. Our lives should be channels of life for others. But in order to truly give we must first receive. What do we have to receive? How are we to deal with difficult relationships formed by hurts? What is the correct perspective on authorities? How do we effectively engage in our culture without being influenced by it?Rise Up and Build
We are all looking for a cause – something that is worth investing our lives in and laying down our lives for. It is all too easy to build our lives around things that won’t last – making money, getting married, or being a success. But as followers of Christ, we have been given the greatest cause of all – that is, to build for His kingdom! Jesus left you here for a reason – an eternal reason! But how do we evaluate what we are involved in with Scripture and not the world’s measuring stick? We know we are to “seek first the kingdom of God”, but what does that really mean? Jesus said that we are to “go and make disciples.” But what is a disciple and how do you make one? What does it mean to live for eternity?
You & God – It’s About Relationship
Unit 1—
Love God: It’s About Relationship
Unit 2—
Growing Through Knowing
Unit 3—
Abide: Christ IN You
Unit 4—
Your View of God: Faith and the Faithful One

You & Others – Placed With a Purpose
Unit 5—
Giver or Taker? Engaging With the People in Your Life
Unit 6—
Stumbling Blocks or Stepping-Stones? Redeeming Difficult Relationships
Unit 7—
Channels of Protection: God's Purpose for Authorities
Unit 8—
Living in an Adversarial Culture: Engaging the World Around You

You & the Kingdom – Your Cause is Great
Unit 9—
Seek First the Kingdom: His or Mine?
Unit 10—
His Power In Your Life: Commissioned as a King and Priest
Unit 11—
Make Disciples: Your Cause Is Great!
Unit 12—
The Eternal Perspective: Understanding the Economy of Heaven