Know. Engage. Build.

“…the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”
—Daniel 11:32



Rise Up is an opportunity to grow with a team of like-minded believers who are seeking to know God in a real and personal way, tackle the real-life relationship questions we all face, and gain a vision for how to live with a Kingdom mindset and an eternal perspective.

Free 4-Week Family Rise Up Session

Use your time at home to invest in discipleship with your whole family.

2021 Dates

June 28 – September 20
July 26 – October 18
August 30 – November 22
September 27 – December 20

RIse Up On Site

Are you interested in using the Rise Up curriculum for your Bible study group or Sunday school class?

Rise Up


The greatest quest of the human life is to know God. But God is not a concept to be studied; He is a Being that desires to know you and be known by you.


God has imprinted each of us with the unique purpose of furthering His great cause. Not only have you been “fearfully and wonderfully made,” you have also been fearfully and wonderfully placed.


We are all looking for a cause: something that is worth living for. It’s all too easy to build our lives around things that won’t last. But as Christ’s followers, we’ve truly been given the greatest cause of all.

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